About our Company
The company was founded July 27 2004 by Dag. F. Koteng. He is still the principal owner, the CEO and chairman of the board. At the moment the company has four employees.
Dag Koteng, CEO.
After finishing his degrees at The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen in 1988, he began his career as a marketing consultant at The Sales and Marketing Institute (a member of European Academy for Advanced Research in Marketing) and worked there until 1990.
He was then hired as the Vice President for The Norwegian Seafood Federation and was the organization's spokesman in national and international matters relating to salmon production, such as anti-dumping, international networking, relations with the media etc.
He held leading positions in the company Hallvard Lerøy between 1993 and 2004, and was responsible for starting the Boston branch of that company in 2001.
Key personel
Dag F. Koteng, Chairman of the board
Karen Elisabeth Scheline, Member of the board